Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Illustration Friday - Simple

simple illustration by liz wongSimple for Illustration Friday. Just putting together some Ikea furniture...

Editor's Pick in Philadelphia Weekly!

Our show at ArtStar is an Editor's Pick in the Philadelphia Weekly! It's a great review:

Liz Wong & Eric Adler's "Cute Conquers All":

Doug Wallen, that's the best valentine's present ever!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Show at ArtStar

Painting by Liz Wong
We have an exhibition opening on February 18th at Art Star in Philadelphia, PA. Go check it out if you are in the area! Here's one of the new paintings for the show, part of a series of recruitment posters for the Girl's Revolutionary Army. This painting is entitled "Our Agents Are Everywhere." I was originally going to call it "Everywhere there are signs the revolution is already begun," but it seemed a bit wordy.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Pride and Prejudice the Comic Book - Chapter 5

I've been neglecting the Pride and Prejudice comic lately... but here is the latest installment. Party at Sir William Lucas's!
Missed the last one? See Chapter 4.

Illustration Friday - Chair

dunce illustration by liz wong
Illustration Friday - Chair is the theme.
Fun with sumi ink and photoshop!