Match for Illustration Friday
On a completely unrelated note, my sister just gave birth to her second child three hours ago! It's a girl! She is reported to be "cute" and "small."
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Pride and Prejudice on Flickr
For all of you many, many fans of the Pride and Prejudice comic book (or, the two of you who read it), I'm posting it over at Flickr to make it easier to see it. Only the first couple of chapters are on there now, but it will be all in one place instead of scattered all over this blog. Eventually I'll get more up...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Toronto Drawings
I just returned from a week-long trip to Toronto last night. It's a great city. It feels like a small city, despite it's actual size. It has some great neighborhoods, is very ethnically diverse, and we had great weather while we were there. I have to remember, however, that it does get down to -40 during the winter. I'm cold in Seattle all the time, so I don't think I'd be able to survive in Toronto.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
We Heart Prints
I heart They tell you where to get really great artist prints at really reasonable prices.